Greek vases


A series of ceramics inspired by Greek motifs, 2021

The series of vases painted by me refer to many threads from Greek history and mythology. There are motifs from the Odyssey, from history, Theseus and the Minotaur, and someone referring to the history of Crete.

When returning to Ithaca, Odysseus and his companions swam past the island of Sirens. The heroes of the Trojan War knew how dangerous these creatures are - half women, half birds, luring their victims with their beautiful singing. To avoid danger, Odysseus put wax on his companion’s ears and ordered his crew to tied himself to the mast of the ship.

The age - old fight between good and evil, this time symbolized again by the themes of Theseus and the Minotaur. The dynamics of the fight was emphasized by the composition and painting gesture.

Some motifs refers to the fresco "Bull - leaping", discovered in the palace in Knossos. Bull leaping was a very important ritual for the people of Crete, it was also an act of courage. Bulls in the culture of Crete were considered extremely powerful animals, personifying vital forces.

All works were made on vases by Poterie Ravel.


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